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Oil Gets Bounce, Stays Above $40 Threshold For 2nd Week

14 Oct 2016

It was a fairly quiet week in the financial markets as economic data was limited, and major central bank meetings were non-existent. Nonetheless, equities were choppy closing lower by almost 2 points to 2,182.90.

Oil got a nice bounce and managed to stay above the $40 threshold for the second straight week to close at $43.93. The British Pound traded lower following last week’s BoE’s monetary policy decision to close at a four-week low at $1.2975...

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challenges and specialized solutions in exporting goods to Iraq Congress

10 Oct 2016

High-ranking Iranian and Iraqi officials attended a meeting in Tehran on Wednesday to explore avenues for closer economic cooperation between the two neighboring countries and discuss challenges facing Iranian exports to the Arab country.

The one-day gathering titled “Analyzing Challenges and Strategies for Exports of Goods to Iraq” was held at the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIM) on Wednesday.

The main issues raised in the meeting include the latest regulatory requirements in Iraqi for the imports of goods, strategies to develop the Iraqi market, tariffs on imports to Iraq and transportation fees.

The meeting was held with a number of senior officials and diplomats, including Iraqi Ambassador to Tehran Rajeh Saber Abboud al-Mousavi, and Chairman of Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce Yahya Ale Eshaq, in attendance.

Iranian companies have so far completed dozens of projects in Iraq in the area of water and electricity and another 27 projects of the companies valued at $1.245 billion are still underway in the country.

Back in 2014, Iranian Vice President EshaqJahangiri had said that Tehran sees no restriction on trade exchange and cooperation with the western neighboring country.

The Iranian official also said the two countries should draw up a plan to raise the volume of their annual trade turnover to $20 billion.

At this conference, CEO of the holding company and His team, which were invited to this Congress, met exclusively with the president of the Iran-Iraq Cha,ber of Commerce and president of the Iran Export Guarantee Fund for increasing export to Iraq

New web site facelift uploaded

1 Oct. 2016

D6 Origin USA, FOB Huston

D6, FOB Houston, Long term Contract,4 000 000 galon per month in minimum

Iranian bitumen offer

Iranian Bitumen (60/70), Refinery base grade one (Pasargad Refinery), 10 000 Mt, New Drum steel, FOB BND Abbas port

Middle East Refiners Drown Global Markets

28 July 2016

During the next five years, more expansion of refining capacity in the Middle East will continue to realign global petroleum product markets. According to ESAI Energy’s recently released Five-Year Global Fuels Outlook, increases in gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and fuel oil production in the region will alter trade patterns and keep global refining margins from mounting a significant recovery.

Yearly increases in Middle East refined product output are not new. In the period 2011-2015, combined output of the five main products (naphtha, gasoline, jet fuel, diesel and fuel oil) rose by an annual average 210,000 b/d. In 2016, we expect a 550,000 b/d increase, which is also noteworthy as it exceeds demand growth of just 180,000 b/d for those products. The transition of the Middle East refining region into a net exporter of petroleum products has been bearish for global refined product market fundamentals in recent years. It has been a major contributor to the fall in product market “dominoes” that ESAI Energy has used to describe a succession of bearish turns in product price spreads to crude oil from LPG to diesel to gasoline.

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Oil Swaps from Caspain Sea

After a long business consultations, provided by Iran, the possibility of swaps petroleum products and gas from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf.

This holding would be honored to facilitate export of oil products from The Russia & CIS countries to European countries by swap oil products from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf, with the cooperation of the Iranian Oil Ministry and their subsidiaries, after years of stop

Oil & Gas Exhibition

we have important ehibitions in last month...

NAPE Expo 10-11 oct 2016 - Houston

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EnerCom's The Oil & Gas Conference 14-18 oct 2016- Denver

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Recent political changes are so deep

22 Jul 2016

Muhammad A. Farhadi,Founder and Director of RBB after turkey coup:

We need to change the strategy of holding on the basis of political changes in the Middle East as well as the outlook for oil market

we are not interesting to back to turkey,Turkey's political orientation will not change our decision

Economist : After the coup, Turkey turns against America, Conspiracy theories in Turkey

Jul 18th 2016 | ISTANBUL

Turkish media and even government officials accuse America of being in on the plot

SINCE the 1960s, whenever Turkey’s meddlesome generals have seized power, Turks have accused America of being responsible. After the botched coup attempt on July 15th by a cabal of mid-ranking generals and junior officers, the old reflex appeared again. Turkey’s labour minister, Suleyman Soylu, declared that America was behind the attempt to overthrow the country’s Islamist president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. (He vaguely cited the “activities” of unnamed American magazines as proof.) Pro-government media outlets teemed with conspiracy theories. In a column in Yeni Safak, a daily newspaper, Aydin Unal, an MP from Mr Erdogan’s Justice and Development party (AK), suggested that American army officers took part in the fighting. In previous decades such rants could be shrugged off. But this time they are part of an increasingly severe diplomatic crisis.

The reaction from John Kerry, America’s secretary of state, was uncharacteristically stiff. In a phone call to his Turkish opposite number, Mevlut Cavusoglu, on July 16th Mr Kerry said insinuations that America had played any role in the coup were “utterly false and harmful to our bilateral relations”. Speaking to an American news channel the following day, Mr Kerry warned Mr Erdogan against using the coup as an excuse to clamp down on his opponents. A wide-ranging purge, Mr Kerry said, “would be a great challenge to his relationship to Europe, to NATO and to all of us”.

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Iraq need Gasoline from Russia,Kurdish guys said

4 Jul 2016

Influential and famous Kurdish businessmen talks, for Export Gasoline from Russia and Turkmenistan to Iraq.

New Agreement

Sign agreement for export the commodity to the European countries from the Persian Gulf , between RBB and sea transport companies

Expert Commentary: Oil Market Analysis and The Week Ahead

By SCS OTC Corp - Apr 22, 2016, 2:17 PM CDT

We currently see limited near term risk of a move back into the mid $30s with peak daily inventory builds in the rearview mirror amidst accelerating non-OPEC supply declines while global gasoline demand is on course to improve by 600k bpd y/y. This week’s sharp rally in reaction to Kuwaiti production strikes and jawboning about long-odds supply cut deals from Iraq and Nigeria served as good indications of the market’s increasingly thin layer of daily excess supply and general upside sensitivity.

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Oil And Gas Industry Adapting To Achieve Cash Flow Neutrality At $50 Oil

26 June 2016

Wood Mackenzie's recent analysis of corporates in the oil and gas sector shows the industry has a strong ‘survival‘ reflex, measured by dramatically tighter cash flow management. Fifty-six companies covered in Wood Mackenzie's corporate analysis will achieve cash flow neutrality at an average oil price of around US$50 a barrel Brent in 2016.

"This is some achievement given the majority needed over US$90 a barrel in 2014," says Tom Ellacott, senior vice president of corporate research at Wood Mackenzie. "A growing list of companies will even be free cash flow neutral below US$40 a barrel in 2016."

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