RBB International Corporation
Company Type :
Holding - Interantional Trade & Development
Working fields
Oil & Gas,
Energy Related Fields
Water & Electricity Realted Equipments
  • * RBB was established 2009 in Iran
  • * 2010 focus on petroleum product in middle east market
  • * Move & register in turkey as Holding company in 2014
  • * In 2016 move again & register to Bulgaria
  • * At present is shareholder of 7 companies with various fields of activities


Exports Oil, Gas and Petrochemical products from Iran, Russia and CIS Countries.


We will have 200 millions USD turnovers until 2020 and will be known as one of the famous and prestigious companies in the oil fields in the world.

Subsidiaries Company

At present this company is shareholder of 7 companies with activities in few fields

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Our Partner

This Holding company has good partners in Iraq, Lebanon, Russia, UAE and USA...

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Company’s main activities include petroleum trading but there is various services available in this company

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